Wednesday 1 October 2014

Audience research 1

For this audience research my group did some Voice interviews in relation to our topic of conventions in hip-hop music videos.

Due to technical problems we were unable to upload the voice notes so instead I have written an accurate transcript of what they say.

Eric Aidoo Interview

'What is your name?'

'Eric Aidoo'

Pierce - 'We are talking about music videos in our media A2 Coursework, so we are asking a few questions'

'What do you see as typical conventions of a hip hop/rap music video?'

Eric - 'It really depends on the artist and also the content of the song so if the content is all about money and women and cars then that's usually what your expecting to see, but it can also be whatever the song is about really. I guess it has to represent the content of the song and the lyrics'.

Pierce - 'What else would you expect to see in a hip hop/rap video?'

Eric - Obviously you said it depends on the artist

'Yes, yes, its the same sort of answer I guess. It depends who I am listening to and who the artist is but usually I expect to see some sort of representation of wealth, so like cars and a lot of high class clothes, money. If not then just some sort of street background or something that represents the artist to what they are trying to represent in their music.'

Pierce - 'Obviously it depends on what artists you listen to but what appeals to you in the music videos, so pick and artist and say what would appeal to you in that kind of music video.'

Eric - 'What would appeal to me in a music video is something that's unique I guess, just like something that you haven't seen before, and something that doesn't represent the same old money, cars, clothes and  girls and just typical things you would expect to see in a hip hop music video.'

Pierce - 'What do you think about music videos that don't include the conventions of a typical music video'

Eric - 'I like those videos, the ones that don't include the typical things that you would see in a hip hop music video because it just means that more thought has gone into it and the artist is trying to create something more original for you as the audience for you to view than just a typical same old same old.'

Pierce - 'Ok, would you prefer the contemporary 20 century music videos or the old school music videos?'

Eric - 'Again it depends on the artist your looking at but a lot of the old school videos are pretty cool like, I like the way the fashion of the time and the way they are and act in the videos, and also the way its directed. There's more sort of roar and realness rather than a these days where there is just like a studio based sort of high quality where everything has to look perfect and I don't really sort of like that thing to much. However there are some pretty cool music videos that come out these days its just rare to come by, I just think the 90's and old school hip hop have more like roar rare stuff that come out which I prefer'

 Pierce - 'Thanks'

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