Thursday 11 December 2014


If we were to go ahead and promote oujr cd/music video, we would start of small because obviously we would need to raise funds, but for a low budget music video and cd like ours the inital steps we would take to sell our products would firstly be to sho the video to our friends and family. Getting feed back from people around you positive and negative is a start. I did this and got some feed back from friends.

If they like it then thats good, they could recommend changes that could make it better. I think the next step would be to post it on social networking sites such as facebook, instagram, twitter, my space,

We would also post in on to youtube for people to view

Progress at the moment

The stage we are at now is, we have all of our footage recorded however the sony hd tape operated video camcorder cannot upload to the macs due to problems with software and cables needed, Toff is doing all he can to get it uploaded, if not we may have to shoot our footage again with the artist.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Props and Equipment

Shooting a video in town using only one car for transport makes our props very limited to what we were able to bring.

Video Camcorder

We used a mates old video camcorder to shoot our Video, this is obviously needed because it is the most important piece of equipment that we will use for filming the footage and shots we need.


At first we were going to use this but then we realised it was to stable and that rap videos have hand held video camcorders so this prop was scrapped. Using this would have ensured is a steady firm handling which is quite the opposite of what we acctually needed.


The lighting we used was a little attachable light that fit on to the video camcorder. We also used the surrounding lap post which we relied on.

Apple Mac Computer

The apple mac computer also had a big role in our music video, this was used to edit our pictures for our album cover/back, poster and steels via photoshop. These were located in the media classrooms which we have to upload our video to to edit it. We also used these macs to access our blogs to update them with relevant information.

My Car

My car played a role in the music video. The headlights were used to create more off an effect in black and white. It contributed to the video.

Bikes and Skate boards

These played a large role in our music video. The front cover of the album included a skateboard and also it related to our theme. The bikes and skateboards which we were influenced by 'Stormzy' was a prop.

 We also used a portable speaker to play the backing track whilst we recorded.

Inside the Cd

These pictures were taken as we shot our music video, the evidence shows this. These images are put together to form a steel for the inside of our cd. Each image is different but relates to our video in some way. The first image you see it toff with the camera shooting footage of the artist and the group in the background whilst the artist raps over the top of his mix tape.The second image to the right of that is also the same.

The two images underneath one of the skateboard was a random image taken, however we used this for one of our images because we liked it. the image to the left of that was another image taken at random, it relates to our music video because it shows the props we include. The two images underneath that is one of toff setting up the video camcorder on to a tripod which wasnt used in the end but was experimented with. The image to the right of that is relevant information to the artist, where it was recorded? who it was produced and mixed by? who the song was written by?
Who the designing and photography was by? and places to contact and 'Like', also see more about the artist and what he does.

The next steel contains two images, the one to the left is a prop, a bike that was used in the background of the music video. This was an important prop for our video. The one to the right of that show a few mates riding around on the bikes so that we could get additional footage to include in our shots. Underneath that to the right you will see toff aiming the camera at our artist recording his song and movements. He is also adjusting settings and setting up the camera for action. The image to the right of that is a shot of all our friends doing a shot of walking towards the camera whilst the artist walks forward sharing his rap lyrics to the camcorder.

The final two images show are an image of the camera being used and another shot of the footage of filming we were doing.

Our front/Back of Cd

So thsi is the front of our CD, it contains important conventions of a rap CD, although we are yet to include the explicit logo image that we will place on the front becasue of recommendations from feedback.
Our front CD cover you see a clear enlarged image of the artist on the right, this shows you who the artist is and what he looks like but also sells himself as an artist.

The artist name is typically the biggest font of text with the album name abit smaller.
The cd cover also includes where it can be purchsed (itunes)

The back of the CD contains all the other songs he has produced.
A barcode typically for scanning to purchase the CD
Nas, 2 pac & Wiley cd covers all influeced the outcome of our music cd album artwork.
Our end product was to make similarities that would benefit our target customers.


This was our initial font but in the end decided not to use it.

Our Rap Magazine

This above is our poster/magazine for our cd cover and music video, it includes all the relevant information to advertise the artist/album.

The Artist name being the biggest piece of text as well as being the most important is the biggest and most bold.

It contains a large image of the artist

Shows you where it is available for download

Links to contact and get more information on the album/cd

Thursday 4 December 2014

Filming Process

Shooting schedule - 9/11/14 7:00pm

The filming process was very long and tiring. We Went as a group to bristol city centre with all of our recording equipment. The location we shot was 'Loyds' By the 4 cranes right in the centre of bristol. We invited a few friends to come and skate board in the back ground, our friend James came. Whilst we were there we also happened to meet another guy skateboarding so we approached him and asked hijm if he wanted to be in our music video in which he happily accepted. Jay brought along some friends along with him who dressed in relation to our rap music video. For example Black and white clothing with hats, coats and also bringing along props like bikes, skateboards and music speakers to fit the part.

We began filming with Toff behind the recording camera, he put the recording camera on to a tripod which had wheels and began shooting my friend rapping, a few minutes after, we realised that the footage was to 'Still' so we had to undo do it and take it off and do it hand held, which proved to be much better because for rap videos they need to be hand held anyway.

All of Jays friends and I had to sit on the steps in the background whilst toff filmed my friend rapping infront of the camcorder. Jay took pictures of each step. Toff then got our skateboarders to skate around so that we could get a variety of shots and also relate it to our theme of rapping and skateboarding. We did many different shots. One which we did was my friend that was rapping he was placed at the front and jays friends were in the background on the bikes and skateboards. We made them walk towards the camera in the background whilst my friend Halo was rapping.

We Attempted to include all relevant shot angles in to our music video.
We then went to the setting around @bristol to film some shots with the water and the statues.
We then went to my car around the corner to use the lighting of that to create some effect.

We did the shooting on the camcorder in black and white because that was what we chose as our theme,  we were influenced by the 'When the sun goes down' video by Jimmy Johnson

The bikes and skateboards we used to create and effect in our theme also, we were influenced by the artist stormzy and his track in my music analysis number 5.

After a few hours it was starting to get more tiring but we had to stay awake and get lots of shots for the rap video.

The Steals for the inside of the album are examples of what we have been doing.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Feedback for CD Cover

Salman - 'Not perfect but always room for improvements, very specific to target audience and the simplistic design, and to change fonts of the regular halo'.

Moses - 'Needs to be more clear that its a cd cover, add the parental advisory explicit content image.
However I do like the regular halo fonts'.

Mustafa - 'Like how it is specific to the target audience - a new font can be considered, colour scheme correlates well with the text(good) - Could do with a splash of colour in one corner or something to stand out on shelves in a store',

Gabriel - aka Halo. This was a response from our artist we used.

Eric 'I generally thought this was a professional cd album cover, I don't think it needs any improvements to be quite honest'. 'I was quite impressed'.

'It looks professionally and officially made'.

Monday 24 November 2014


With out skateboard theme there was a number of images we screen shot of people skating in YouTube music videos. We did this because we like those shots and wanted to do similar things in our music video. These shots shown below are shots in mid air of tricks, they inspired us to take some shots similar to this.

Halo - Regular


This is the artist name Gabriel and his original music video for his mixtape

His original video had the theme of graffiti around Bristol

Friday 14 November 2014

Rap CD

On these CD cases there is always important information that the audience needs to know.

You will find an Artist name which is in the biggest fonts, you will then find the album name a little smaller usually in the same font.

You will also find Production details - small fonts

Information relating to target audience

Mise en scene is used, the setting relates to the artists home area

There is a consistent clear theme and identity setting
Sometimes you can find the explicit symbol in the bottom left or right corner
Artist name in bold
Album cover name at the bottom in red
Artist picture domination frame
Explcit lyrical symbol
Other songs
Record label
Information about album
 Again a british rap artist album coer that we were influenced by

Uses and Gratifications theory (UGT)

Uses and gratifications theory is an approach to understand why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. UGT is an audience-centered approach to understanding mass communication. Diverging from other media effect theories that question 'what does media do to people?' UGT focuses on 'What do people do with media'

The driving question UGT is: Why do people use media and what do they use them for?
UGT discusses how users delibeately choose media that will satisfy given needs and allow one to enhance knowledge, relaxation, social interactions/companionship, diversion, or escape.

It assumes that audience members are not passive consumers of media. Rather, the audience has power over the media consumption and assumes an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. Unlike other theoretical perspectives, UGT holds that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their desires and needs to achieve gratification. This theory would then imply that media compete against other information sources for views' gratification.

In summary this is all about the audience

  • being active
  • the audience has the power of their own interpretation
  • their own understanding

Thursday 13 November 2014


Digipak is a patented style of a CD, DVD or BD packaging, and is a registered trademark of AGI-Shorewood, an Atlas Holdings LLC company.

Digipaks packaging are usually made out of cardstock or other heavy paper, with the portion of the Digipak that holds the CD made out of plastic

The purpose of a Digipak
  • To promote an album
  • To list the content of the album
  • To make the DC eye-catching
  • To use the corporate identity of the artist/band as a recurring theme
  • To tell us something about the musician and the music behind it
  • To use art and images to express a message 
  • To store additional materials e.g sleeves within the digipak could include booklets and posters
  • To attract not only fans of the music, but also a wider audience

Included in Digipaks 
  •  Tracklist
  • Artwork
  • Artist name
  • Album name
  • Barcode
  • Record label
  • Extra information/Special features
  • Copywrite information
  • Band/artist images
  • Website
  • Message from artist

Music Video Analysis 6

Chance the rapper - Family

This music video relates to our video because the filming is done in black and white. It also relates to ours because we try to include features that this video use, for example a croud of people in the background.

In this video you can see typical conventions of a music rap video, this includes jewlery, friends in the background, the mise en scene in clothing is also seen in this. This video use a variety of different shots, such as low angle, close up, long shots and using a hand held camera is important.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Album Cover Research

As you can see all these albums from Bloc party use the same
This is releveant to our music video because the layout becasue in the bloc party album covers they all have the same fonts.

We wanted to copy this and use it throughought our cd covers keeping the theme the same meaning consistency within it all.

Using convnetions of a rap cd we used the features to form the structure of our cd cover including all thats needed to make it look like a rap cd/album cover.


Wednesday 1 October 2014

Audience Research 2

Our group also did some video recordings of some interviews in relation to our topic hip-hop music videos.

We were unable to upload these unfortunately but a few questionnaires were made. 

Audience research 1

For this audience research my group did some Voice interviews in relation to our topic of conventions in hip-hop music videos.

Due to technical problems we were unable to upload the voice notes so instead I have written an accurate transcript of what they say.

Eric Aidoo Interview

'What is your name?'

'Eric Aidoo'

Pierce - 'We are talking about music videos in our media A2 Coursework, so we are asking a few questions'

'What do you see as typical conventions of a hip hop/rap music video?'

Eric - 'It really depends on the artist and also the content of the song so if the content is all about money and women and cars then that's usually what your expecting to see, but it can also be whatever the song is about really. I guess it has to represent the content of the song and the lyrics'.

Pierce - 'What else would you expect to see in a hip hop/rap video?'

Eric - Obviously you said it depends on the artist

'Yes, yes, its the same sort of answer I guess. It depends who I am listening to and who the artist is but usually I expect to see some sort of representation of wealth, so like cars and a lot of high class clothes, money. If not then just some sort of street background or something that represents the artist to what they are trying to represent in their music.'

Pierce - 'Obviously it depends on what artists you listen to but what appeals to you in the music videos, so pick and artist and say what would appeal to you in that kind of music video.'

Eric - 'What would appeal to me in a music video is something that's unique I guess, just like something that you haven't seen before, and something that doesn't represent the same old money, cars, clothes and  girls and just typical things you would expect to see in a hip hop music video.'

Pierce - 'What do you think about music videos that don't include the conventions of a typical music video'

Eric - 'I like those videos, the ones that don't include the typical things that you would see in a hip hop music video because it just means that more thought has gone into it and the artist is trying to create something more original for you as the audience for you to view than just a typical same old same old.'

Pierce - 'Ok, would you prefer the contemporary 20 century music videos or the old school music videos?'

Eric - 'Again it depends on the artist your looking at but a lot of the old school videos are pretty cool like, I like the way the fashion of the time and the way they are and act in the videos, and also the way its directed. There's more sort of roar and realness rather than a these days where there is just like a studio based sort of high quality where everything has to look perfect and I don't really sort of like that thing to much. However there are some pretty cool music videos that come out these days its just rare to come by, I just think the 90's and old school hip hop have more like roar rare stuff that come out which I prefer'

 Pierce - 'Thanks'

Magazine For music video research

Conventions of magazine adverts 

Functions of a magazine advert

  • To promote an artist
  • To sell a song

 The main images that you would see on a magazine advert should continuously follow the same theme as the Album cover (Consistency). Mostly the artists are used as the images. As you can see the Jessie J magazine has a big picture of her, the Mumford and sons have 4 boxes with images of all of them. The kings of leon magazine has 4 images of the band with a part of their face included.
There images can be big and Unique. The image can usually e the image of the album cover.

This is because similar images are taken when taking the image with a camera, however the images on a magazine cover may differ but in the same way. For example it can be enhanced or a slight portion of the same image can be used. Commonly the same colour theme should also follow

Another convention would be the bold headings at the top, these are commonly the artist name/Band name. For example, the Jessie J magazine her name is clearly the largest piece of text.

The second largest text is the name of the new album. For example in the Mumford and sons magazine advert the 'Sign no more' is the album name which is the second largest text.

The magazine advert will always include the main songs that are going to be in the album and also the most popular tracks on the album, also bonus features & Promote singles. For example the Jessie J magazine advert has her main song 'Price Tag ft B.o.B'.

Commonly there are always some type of person on a magazine advert to show the person as an artist/band.

On Magazine adverts you will find links to find more information about the new album or where it is available for purchase. For example on Jessie J album it has a link saying '', ''

Magazine adverts will also include Logos of company/producers who represent the album and magazine advert. For example 'Universal Republic' for Jessie J.

A magazine advert will limit information so that it is easy and eye catching for audience, obviously they will not look at it if there is loads of information but if there is a clear/simplistic structure to what the audience needs to know it will be easy for them to remember and could also be eye catching.

Release dates - are important because the audience need to know when they can purchase the album

Album/Song title - this is important because if the audience wants to buy the album they would need to know what the name of the album is called.

Image of album cover - To help the audience purchase an album they need to know what the album looks like. This can also promote the band/artist because the advert will look interesting and eye catching with their image.

Artist name - this is important because the audience need to know the name of the artist/band. Having this on the advert will help them to become more well known in the music industry.

Information about the album -  this is important for the target audience so they can get an idea of what it will be like in the album and the names of the songs that they can listen to.

Where it is available to purchase- this is important to be included on a magazine advert because it lets the audience know where it is available for purchase. For example Amazon, itunes..

Record label/logo - By knowing and identifying which label they are signed to is important because the audience could get an insight of what kind of music they would play in the album. The image could also make the advert look more appealing.